Refund Policy

Donations/Refund Policy

This Donations/Refund Policy applies to anyone who donates to Can Praxis EAL. This policy explains the terms and conditions that apply when you give to Can Praxis EAL.

Donations, whether one-time or monthly, may be made through the Can Praxis EAL website, or by mailing a cheque, cash, or credit card information to Can Praxis EAL. Cheques should be made payable to Can Praxis EAL.

1. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $25 or more.

2. There is no minimum monthly donation.

3. Donations, whether made online or by mail, are non-refundable.

4. All credit card transactions will be processed in Canadian dollars.

5. Monthly donors may cancel future donations by sending an email to Payments will stop the month after donations are cancelled. For example, if you withdraw in December, your credit card will be charged in December but not January.